Smallworld Vision:

Our vision is to help our Smallworld seedlings to blossom with the watering of high quality, child enriched care within a stimulating, safe, welcoming environment. Enabling our Smallworld children to grow, take their next steps, and at the end of their Smallworld journey enter school ready to learn.

Smallworld Mission Statement:

It is our mission to provide a safe and happy environment where children are stimulated and can enjoy learning through play. We will strive to deliver the highest standard of early years education and will prepare our children to enter school ready to learn and to participate in family and community life. Through strong partnerships with parents, carers and guardians we aim to create a strong bond between home and preschool, considering each individual child’s needs and interests in an open, nurturing and positive environment.

A typical day at Smallworld Pre-School

We organise our sessions so that the children can choose from and work at a range of activities and in doing so build up their ability to select and work through a task to its completion. The children are also helped and encouraged to take part in adult-led small and large group activities, which introduce them to new experiences and help them to gain new skills, as well as helping them to learn to work with others. Our outdoor garden and woodland areas contribute to children's health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them. Children have the opportunity to take part in outdoor child-chosen and adult-led activities, as well as those provided indoors to meet the changing energy levels of children throughout the day, including those children that need restful and quiet activities. Preschool operates during term time and is structured in a similar way to school to help prepare our Smallworld children for their next steps. A school year is 38 weeks long and the term dates for each school year can be accessed on the website or social media platforms

The Smallworld Day Nursery

A specially designed room tailored for those children aged from 3 months to 2 years. Our spacious room is equipped with a dedicated sleeping area to help aid sleep during the day whilst keeping our sleeping baby’s safe. We also have a designated safe changing area. Our room is equipped with its own kitchen to help with safe and immediate food and bottle preparation whilst also having access to the main setting kitchen for more complex dietary needs. The flooring in this room has been specially selected for comfort and warmth, providing all children with a comfortable and safe place to play and learn. We have a range of stimulating resources for playtime to encourage your child's sensory development and interaction with others. Children enjoy fresh air and the great outdoors in our secure outdoor area and during pushchair walks around our surrounding nature areas

This room and our resources have been specially designed and selected for growth and development and through free and structured play children will prosper in:

  • Social Skills

  • Sharing and forming relationships

  • Speech and Language

  • Colour and shape recognition

  • Hand-eye coordination

  • Fine motor skills such as throwing and climbing

  • Spatial awareness through outdoor play

  • Independence – eating and drinking, choosing what to play with

A typical day in our Starlights room will include sensory and stimulating activities to help them learn and grow, such as:

  • Music Play

  • Mood lighting and sensory toys

  • Messy/Textured Play

  • Physical Activities including outdoor play in our enclosed garden that has a soft play surface for their comfort

  • Jigsaws, clay modelling and sorting games and lots more..

In our nurseries we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which recognises the importance of learning and development at this early stage. All staff in this room are highly qualified childcare educators and are safeguarding and paediatric first aid trained.

Our baby room operates as a day care nursery, providing childcare all year round (except on Bank Holidays and the Christmas Period).

Nursery fees are calculated by taking the weekly amount, multiplying it by the length of the school year (50 weeks) and dividing it by 12 to give a monthly amount. Fees are due by the end of the first week of the month and are in lieu of the month.

You can make payment via your iPal account using a credit/debit card, childcare vouchers or both.

Areas of our curriculum

At Smallworld we develop and adapt our curriculum for all learning styles and ages, so our children are ready to take their next steps in their learning and development journey:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Role Play, ELSA – Emotion Learning, WOW moments Physical Development:

Fine motor: Play dough, drawing, painting

Gross Motor: Sports, Parachute games, Bat and ball games, Climbing, Riding, Yoga

Communication and Language: Reading, Singing and music... Literacy: Story time, Singing, Rhyme time, Mark making…

Numeracy: Number work, shapes and colours, sand and water play

Expressive arts and design: Craft activities, Junk Modelling, Cooking, Creative play

Understanding the world: Languages, Culture, Religion celebrations, Science, Celebration of occupation, Woodland Play – Planting, exploring, scavenger hunts...

Meal and snack times are treated as a social occasion where children are encouraged to eat independently when ready, observe good table manners whilst enjoying their food in the company of their friends and staff. A copy of the menu will be available from inside the setting and visible on the notice board.

Our building is set out to promote easy growth and development, with open plan rooms and fluid routines, we will endeavor to help your child move through their stages of development at their own pace and ensure that they have access to the most suitable environment for their age

© Copyright 2024 Smallworld Preschool